
2011 general paper essay questions

And the err… err… oh, the Internet!

Yeah… and… err… planes? Consider technology used in medicine, warfare, environmental engineering, the classroom etc. The 2011 general paper essay questions device could yield different results and changes in different settings.

The same search engines and webpages that help you find examples for your homework assignment and videos to procrastinate with 2011 general paper essay questions pose threats to the livelihoods of content creators and performance artists. The same in-vitro fertilisation techniques that get ethically dissected may write essay for me have given life to your friend sitting across the classroom.

Bottom line for Technology essay questions: Read up, keep current, push implications. If not, start reading up on these if you really want to do media questions. Thus, if we use the language of physics then, our uncertainty is reduced greatly by using these words and hence our sentence becomes more accurate.

In the second sentence, I have used «many» which simply means people more than several.

This word does not keep concern with the statistics as shown above. Many can mean around people at one 2011 general paper essay questions and 1 billion people at another time. We perceive its meaning ourselves.

For example, consider these two sentences and try to guess how many people you imagine when you read these two sentences: Many people died in a bus accident. Many people lost their lives in the recent earthquake in Japan.

Whatever, you may guess but it will obviously a different number! If you disagree, then comment below with your reasons. A Better Solution The corrected sentences above are alright but certainly not the best ones, not at least for General Paper.

Now, you could write a better sentence in place of 2011 general paper essay questions sentence by using statistics from a trusted source. Then, the above sentence would become something like: More than million people use Facebook actively, according to the statistics of Facebook. Or, There are as many as million people using Facebook at 2011 general paper essay questions.

Or, Quite a large number of people, about million, use Facebook nowadays. These are some of the different forms of the above sentence which give almost, but not exactly, a same meaning.

While the narrative of globalisation can initially appear to threaten unique cultural identities, it need not 2011 general paper essay questions be so. The influence of social media and a new appetite among the younger generation for what is different have made it more possible for us to retain our unique cultural identities, and we should do so not just because of the benefits, but also because of how they can enable us to better make sense of who we are in a rapidly changing world.

Fans around the world were waiting with bated breath, in eager expectation of the release of the latest Star Wars movie Essay on computer my friend and guide earlier this week. The franchise had come a long way since George Lucas released the first installation of the film. Commanding a massive cult following worldwide, Star Wars has firmly established and cemented itself as an essential mainstay in popular culture.

The unexpected resounding success of the film perhaps suggests that there is still an inner child in every one of us, who never ceases to imagine and dream. In this vein, science fiction can be seen as an outlet for our cathartic expressions and thought experiments. With humans becoming more and more adept in actualisng our abstract ideas, much of what we see in science fiction — especially in the area of technological innovations — is now not far from becoming fact.

Man has always dreamed of a more automated world with 2011 general paper essay questions convenience at his fingertips, and this can be seen in many science fiction settings in the form of voice-activated systems and facial recognition technology. Many of these elements probably started out in science fiction as imagination but have now become very much part of reality. Increasingly, facial recognition technology is being employed to speed up identification processes, notably by airline companies and custom checks.

Earlier this year, Finnair had invited of its frequent flyers to take part in a face recognition test in their efforts to 2011 general paper essay questions facial recognition technology for airport check-ins to improve customer experience.

With many being more than eager to push the envelope in incorporating biometrics in everyday use, the runway for innovation and implementation of such technology will only shorten. It is indeed no exaggeration to say that much of 2011 general paper essay questions automated technology that used to be mere science fiction fantasy is fast-becoming fact and even increasingly commonplace.

Space conquest is another area popularised in science fiction. Given the vastness of space, it is fair to say that it is near impossible in the foreseeable future that Man can conquer or even explore the whole of it.

Nevertheless, the numerous significant breakthroughs in space exploration suggest that ideas such as space travel and colonisation that are commonly featured in science fiction are plausible and possible. Even right now, Virgin Galactic, a commercial space travel company founded by Sir Richard Branson is already fine-tuning its technology, and expects to launch its first commercial flight before the turn of the next decade. If space travel is only a few steps away from reality, it is not too presumptuous to think that some degree of space colonisation can be realised within our lifetime.

Apart from technological innovations, many science fiction stories also sublimely tell cautionary tales of how our scientific pursuits may backfire on us.

In this aspect, we must be thankful that the dreadful doomsday scenarios commonly depicted in science fiction have yet to become fact. The attitude that undergirds such science fiction also mirrors many conservatives in reality who are hesitant to delve into realms where we may not be able to paper to write on online free the costs.

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Hence, while we do not see the same exact scenarios in science fiction played out in real life, many do recognise and acknowledge the same concerns. The fact that we have not encountered many of the grave consequences described in science fiction today is testament that we had exercised 2011 general paper essay questions caution and wisdom in our pursuit of technology thus far.

This does not necessarily bode well for us in the future. If our past successes had only bred an insatiable ambition to then the tragic end foretold in those science fiction stories will be our inevitable future. With the expanse of destructive technology at our disposal, we are already well equipped to thrust ourselves into our own demise.

  • With humans becoming more and more adept in actualisng our abstract ideas, much of what we see in science fiction — especially in the area of technological innovations — is now not far from becoming fact.
  • Thus, education still provides the majority with the basic learning attitudes that will help them in attaining success in life.
  • The same search engines and webpages that help you find examples for your homework assignment and videos to procrastinate with also pose threats to the livelihoods of content creators and performance artists.
  • Thus, education still provides the majority with the basic learning attitudes that will help them in attaining success in life.
  • You may agree with this sentence because you might have seen an overwhelming number of people spending their days and nights on Facebook but there are some folks who don’t agree.
  • Nevertheless, the numerous significant breakthroughs in space exploration suggest that ideas such as space travel and colonisation that are commonly featured in science fiction are plausible and possible.
  • More recently, the Fukushima disaster is another reminder of the devastating consequences of a nuclear fallout.
  • Thus, it is always seen to be an option and solution for people to break free from the poverty cycle.
  • It is inevitable that in this interaction, some degree of assimilation and hybridisation will take place.

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Nevertheless, there are yet loftier science fiction ideas 2011 general paper essay questions as time travel, teleportation and parallel universe that are arguably no closer to being fact now than decades ago when they were first mooted.

While it remains true that not all of science fiction have been realised as fact, it is plain ignorance to think that most of them are just pipe dreams.

Category: Essay Questions

We have ridden on waves 2011 general paper essay questions waves of technological breakthroughs since the Industrial Revolution, and gained enough traction process essay knowledge and expertise to be capable of making many science fiction ideas become facts.

Even in areas such as space travel and colonisation where we have yet to complete success, we already have a clear road map that will bring us there in the near future. However, we must never downplay the warnings beneath the veneer of novel ideas in science fiction. We had heeded them well to be able to reap the fruits of our science fiction dreams and avoid the forewarned calamities thus far, but the end times portrayed in science fiction can easily become fact if we carelessly miss a step in the treacherous terrain we are treading on 2011 general paper essay questions.

The development of nuclear technology has provided us with a source of clean energy and military capabilities, both of which had made the world a more dangerous place. While nuclear energy is an efficient and clean source of energy, the risk aqa coursework advisor media studies a nuclear accident is too much for any nation to bear.

A nuclear fallout can easily wipe out lives and cause long-lasting harm to the area with the resulting radiation. It had been three decades since the Chernobyl disaster inbut the city is still uninhabitable to this day. More recently, the Fukushima disaster is another reminder of the devastating consequences of a nuclear fallout.